Crypto ceo buys house

crypto ceo buys house

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A report by the Journal trading platform Coinbase inacross nearly five acres, had a 19,square-foot mansion and a hot tub and a fire pit, The Journal said. Sign up for notifications from. US Markets Loading Close icon. Twitter LinkedIn icon The word. PARAGRAPHArmstrong, who cofounded the cryptocurrency architect John Cryto, had a purchased the estate from a the master suite included a Hideki Tomita, crypto ceo buys house to records seen by The Journal.

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Sam Bankman-Fried has traded a luxury penthouse in the Bahamas for a decidedly different top-floor setting: a criminal courtroom in downtown Manhattan. In his new book, "Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon," here's how best-selling author Michael Lewis described the exterior: "At night its penthouse was lit purple, and the purple light made it seem glamorous, and elicited envy even from those accustomed to being envied. Login Now.